Lecture 1:Five new towns in Shanghai. Present situation and future perspectives. Reflections based on a study trip 2013 .
Lecture 2: Eco-cycle Model 2.0. for Stockholm Royal Seaport City District .
主讲人:Ulf Ranhagen
Dr. Ulf Ranhagen is a Swedish Professor and Chief Architect which has worked in Sino-Swedish sustainable urban planning and design project since his first project the Luodian New Town in Shanghai which was part of a collaboration between Sweco in Sweden and Tongji University. He has also been involved in other collaboration projects with Tongji as the Baltic Pearl in Shanghai 2005-2006 and the Shanghai World Exhibition in 2010. He was appointed Honorary Professor at Tongji University CIUC (Center for Intelligent Urbanization Co-creation Center for High Density Regions) in nov 2013 and also held a lecture at the university regarding waterfront developments in Sweden and China in January 2014.
主持人:吴志强 王兰